21 Days of Praying for the Church


Show Us the Work!

Pause & Reflect

Every day it seems there is always work to do. Though the context for work (school, chores, home, career) varies, what’s constant is that we all have more to do. Work happens every day and can come from any direction — a boss, a teacher, or a parent.

Have you ever paused to consider what is God’s work for His church? Jesus knew the answer was to get it straight from the authority of God. Have you asked God lately what your work should be about? Go after the work God has for you in this next season!

Speak a prayer for your church that, just as Jesus Christ finished the work that God gave Him to do, God would also show you the work He has for your church, and how you can participate in it.

JOHN 17:4
I have brought you glory on earth by finishing the work you gave me to do.